Combat The Fat is designed by Jeff. His programme can help women and men alike to lean and ripped from a fat body, all within 12 weeks as these techniques are being used by US military soldiers to get fit and lean as quickly as possible, including to this program is a Diet & Nutrition guide that really teaches you how to eat more to burn more fats. We provide you the information and Pro and Con opinion of the health experts, it is up to you to choose the best program which fit for you. As always, you may see expert discuss something other than this program with related subject, it is their own opinion on how to combat fat. Please consult with your doctor, if you decide to apply this weight loss technique.
Recommended Program
Combat The Fat + Advanced Bodybuilding
Revolutionary New Approach To Weight Loss
Burns Fat Up To 288% Faster...and Keeps it Off
4 Great Diet Tips to Lose Belly Fat on Women
Belly fat on women can increase with age but there is something you can do to prevent it or get rid of it. This article clearly states 4 great dieting tips you can begin to use today to combat belly fat.
Here is what you need to know about nutrition!
1. Dieting Tip 1: Protein. Get plenty! Protein has been shown in the lab to have a higher thermal effect than carbs and fat. This means it burns more calories when your body digests it so you actually benefit from eating it. Protein also keeps your hunger satisfied longer and it is a building block for lean muscle.
2. Dieting Tip 2: Carbohydrates. Think fiber! The majority of your carbs should come from vegetables, fruit and unrefined grains. These carbohydrates are high in fiber which aids your digestion and keeps you satisfied longer. Refined sugar and refined grains are your worst enemy and easily contribute to belly fat on women and should be avoided.
3. Dieting Tip 3: Fat. Do not be afraid to eat it! Eating too little fat can trigger cravings and play havoc with your mood. Look to fill your diet with good fat sources such as nuts and seeds, olive oil, avocados and fish oils.
4. Dieting Tip 4: Two things to avoid at all costs! Eliminate artificial trans fats from margarine, shortening, and hydrogenated oils found in most fried and processed foods. Also eliminate high fructose corn syrup which is contained in almost all sweetened products in your grocery store. Read your labels, if the food item contains these ingredients, don't eat it.
There are 4 great tips to lose belly fat in women, get plenty of protein, eat carbohydrates high in fiber, don't avoid good fats and eliminate trans fats and high fructose corn syrup from you diet. Start incorporating these dieting tips into your daily eating today.
Are you interested in fast weight loss that lasts? Here is the free blueprint to fast weight loss that lasts by Dr. Becky Gillaspy creator of Speed Dieting.
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Recommended ProgramCombat The Fat + Advanced Bodybuilding
Revolutionary New Approach To Weight Loss
Burns Fat Up To 288% Faster...and Keeps it Off
No Other Exercise Type Will Combat Body Fat Like Strength Training
We hear about the fact that once we hit our 30's our waist starts to thicken, our weight increases and we may need to go up a clothes size. We may even vaguely realize that it has something to do with our metabolism. But the big thing is that you may not know that this doesn't have to happen.
The main reason your body starts to pack on the pounds isn't because you are aging and your metabolism is slowing - it's because you are exercising less (or just not enough).
A vicious circle is set up with less and less energy to want or be able to be active leading to further weight gain. The more weight that is gained the more difficult it becomes to get up get going and get the necessary exercise to even hold off the weight gain little lone the slowing metabolism (the rate the body burns fuel)
These changes also mean a change and a decline in the body's hormones which are the chemical messengers responsible for every action in every system and body part. The granddaddy of these hormones is human growth hormone (HGH) and is the key to getting back the control of ones body and any excess body fat.
There are all sorts of weight reduction aids available but energy levels are the biggest factor in getting your life and your weight back on track. So, how to we get this magic elixir that will give us more energy? Movement stimulates the release of this anti aging, fat busting hormone but the movements necessary must be intense enough to force the body to become stronger.
The hormone is then released to counter this so the body is better prepared next time it gets called upon to perform those movements. The easiest way to provide these movements is to start an exercise program that contains at least 60% strength training exercise.
It is completely normal for someone just starting an exercise program not to be able to exercise at a high enough level to stimulate the necessary hormones for fat loss. It needs to be understood it will take time to learn the skills necessary to get the best results. The secret is in raising the metabolism so you can burn more calories (fuel) every minute of the day and this will increase along with your strength and fitness levels.
So, in reality you are just recovering what has been lost in the way of your fat burning metabolic engine. This is what has allowed the excess body fat to accumulate, nothing more, and nothing less.
If you seek the help of a fitness professional it will skyrocket your path to the place where the big results are. They will ensure that your program is the right program, with the right exercises performed with the right intensity, the right duration and the right frequency. Anything less and you can kiss goodbye to the results you are hoping for.
No other type of exercise will give you the tools you need to lose body fat but strength training, so forget walking, the tiny plastic dumbbells and a haphazard exercise routine. You will need to get serious about your program and it will need to become a permanent fixture in your life you are to win the battle of being overweight.
The pay off for you will be priceless with increased strength, loads of energy, greater self esteem, recovered youthfulness and an increased zest for life. As being overweight increases your chances of contracting some life threatening disease or illness that could well cut your precious life short, one of the most important bonuses for you will be a huge reduction in this risk so be prepared for a long and healthy life.
Carolyn Hansen has worked in the Fitness Industry for over 30 years. Currently the co-owner of 2 Fitness Centres in Northland New Zealand. A National Champion Bodybuilder with over 25 years competition experience. Enjoys writing health and fitness articles for local newspapers and magazines. If you want a second chance to right the wrongs you have committed against your body, you can be rejuventated. You can regain vitality, muscular strength, endurance and a higher quality of life. Go to for a FREE Report "I've Found the Fountain of Youth"- Let Me Show You Too!
Article Source:
Recommended ProgramCombat The Fat + Advanced Bodybuilding
Revolutionary New Approach To Weight Loss
Burns Fat Up To 288% Faster...and Keeps it Off