Friday, July 31, 2009

Pro and Con " Combat The Fat " Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

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Combat The Fat + Advanced Bodybuilding
Revolutionary New Approach To Weight Loss
Burns Fat Up To 288% Faster...and Keeps it Off

How to Combat Tummy Fat

By Brandon Walsh Platinum Quality Author

While there are many methods to combat your tummy fat, there is one word that is sure to help your efforts. DETOX. Your body is full of toxins from the food you eat, beverages you drink, air you breathe, products you use, and much more. It is so important to cleanse yourself from these toxins often so that your body can function as it is supposed to. Detoxification will boost your energy and your metabolism, making you look better and feel livelier.

Drinking plenty of water will help hydrate and cleanse you throughout the day. Water is one thing that you can have an unlimited amount of and never have to worry about gaining weight over it. (Except for water weight, which does not stick around long) Water will satisfy your thirst and flush out all the bad toxins that enter your body.

Exercising will also give you a natural metabolic and energy boost. In order to lose weight, you must burn off more calories than you consume. Getting your heart rate going will burn fat. Eating smaller portions and exercising regularly will ensure your weight loss.

Smaller portions of food more frequently will keep your body metabolizing all day rather than just at certain times. Even if you only exercise for twenty minutes a day, the results you get will astound you! Changing your activity level and the way you eat is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Fad diets will only lead to short-term weight loss. Nutritious foods and regular exercise will keep you in shape and feeling great! If you really want to lose weight and keep it off you will take this advice to heart.

Starving yourself will do nothing but harm you and your body. You should eat a small meal or snack every few hours and drink water as often as possible. Exercising a few times a week every week will enhance your stamina, boost your metabolism, strengthen your muscles and make your body stronger and healthier. If you can maintain these healthy habits, you will not be sorry.

Looking to combat your tummy fat? Get a jump start on your tummy fat efforts by detoxifying your bloated fat cells, and converting your fat to energy. Check out: Combat Tummy Fat!

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living. To learn more about detoxing your system and losing weight, sign up for his extremely popular and free newsletter at: Lose Inches Off Your Hips.

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Recommended Program
Combat The Fat + Advanced Bodybuilding
Revolutionary New Approach To Weight Loss
Burns Fat Up To 288% Faster...and Keeps it Off

How To Combat Belly Fat - 3 Ways You Can Start Today
By Ian Henman Platinum Quality Author

Belly fat is a struggle for most trying to lose weight. You can drop 10, 20, even 30 pounds but sometimes getting rid of those last few pounds around your belly can feel impossible. There are effective ways to burn belly fat, and this article will teach you how to combat belly fat with three easy tips you can start today.

Vegetables and Fruit: I don't just want you to eat more vegetables and fruit, because eating more isn't the answer. I want you to cut out all snack foods such as crackers, chips, cookies and other carbs you might be snacking on through the day. To learn how to combat belly fat, you need to learn new choices for what you're doing now. So replace those snack items with fruits and veggies.

Sculpting Exercises: A lot of people focus solely on ab workouts to lose belly fat. Of course crunches and sit ups build a great mid section, it doesn't burn the fat off that's covering over those great abs. Rather then spend time developing your abs, focus on sculpting workouts like pilates and yoga. Find a good mid section pilates workout, this will give you great strength in your core and help flatten your belly.

Speed up your metabolism: How quickly we burn off what we eat is known as our metabolism. To combat belly fat we need to speed up our metabolism, both by what we eat and the pattern which we eat our meals. Try eating five smaller meals a day, rather then just the regular three.

Reduce how much you eat for breakfast and add another meal mid morning, do the same at lunch and add a mid afternoon meal. By the time dinner comes around you should be less hungry then normal and be able to cut back there as well. The idea here is you're getting the same number of calories but allowing your body to burn them off in a more efficient manner.

The three how to combat belly fat tips are aimed at helping you shed those last few pounds around your mid section. Of course they'll work for you no matter how much weight you have to lose, and even if it's not on your belly.

Learn more about how to get rid of belly fat at A popular website people visit to learn how to lose tummy fat.

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Recommended Program
Combat The Fat + Advanced Bodybuilding
Revolutionary New Approach To Weight Loss
Burns Fat Up To 288% Faster...and Keeps it Off

Get Rid of Body Fat Fast - Top Three Ways to Combat the Fat
By Cody Wheeler

To get rid of body fat fast isn't as difficult as some think it is. There are two things holding people back from losing the weight that they want to. One, they are completely uneducated and will jump on any bandwagon that promises to help them lose weight. Two, because of this, most people just go about weight loss entirely the wrong way. This article will explain three methods to get rid of body fat fast and with those three methods, how to supercharge weight loss.

Get rid of body fat fast Tip #1 - It's not a "diet"
Lose the word "diet" from your vocabulary. In the traditional sense of the word, you have to "go on" a diet, and anything you "go on" you are inevitably going to "go off" right? I want you to forget this mentality altogether. You are not going to go on anything or go off anything. You are going to make a lifestyle change, and that lifestyle change is going to, well... change your life!

Tip #2 - Muscle is Good!
The more lean muscle you have on your body, the more fat your body naturally burns. This is exactly why muscular people never get fat. Their bodies burn away all of the calories that they take in so quickly, that they never develop fat cells. This is also why you see so many overweight individuals on treadmills and elliptical machines. Those machines do nothing to build muscle, so these people only get the empty calorie burn of their hour on those machines, nothing more, and they stay fat.

To build yourself into a fat burning machine, you need to be lifting weights.

Tip #3 - Food is the Key
Now the key to all of this is that you eat the proper foods. Sodas, chips, beer, alcohol, and other unhealthy substances not only contribute to the amount of body fat you have, but they strip away the one key ingredient that helps to build muscle. Water!

What you put into your body is a HUGE HUGE part of weight loss. In fact, I would go so far as to say it is 70% proper nutrition, and 30% exercise. Focus on lean meats, natural yogurt, foods high in protein and fiber, low fat dairy products, and take multivitamins daily. And always remember to drink water.

Tip #4- Eat Breakfast Every Day
In a study by Men's Health Magazine, people who do not eat breakfast were over 400% more likely to be overweight. Why? Because when you eat breakfast you are getting your natural fat burning process moving right away. When you don't, your body stores fat for energy, then you end up getting hungry and you overeat. It's a really bad thing. ALWAYS eat breakfast.

Putting it all Together

Now combine these four tips together and you are armed to the teeth to get rid of body fat fast. Make sure you educate yourself about proper exercise and nutrition along the way. The most important step to doing anything well is becoming educated. If you don't, you're fighting a losing battle.

Get Rid of Body Fat Fast

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Recommended Program
Combat The Fat + Advanced Bodybuilding
Revolutionary New Approach To Weight Loss
Burns Fat Up To 288% Faster...and Keeps it Off

Is Estrogen Really Making Your Belly FAT?
By Jenny May

One would think that with all the research done to try and link midlife weight gain in women to changing hormone levels (menopause) science would have uncovered, or at least theorized, a solid explanation by now. But after reading the results of study after study, all that research has only proven that weight gain is largely due to lower activity levels and poor nutrition.

So, scientists have now turned their attention to uncovering why many women in midlife start to accumulate that added weight as fat in the abdominal area. While fluctuating hormone levels, particularly lower estrogen levels, may be partially responsible for the redistribution of fat to the belly area, research is demonstrating that estrogen is not the only hormone responsible for this phenomenon.

It turns out that stress and stress related hormones have been linked to excessive fat storage around the abdominal area. How you ask? Apparently it’s a result of the flight or fight instinct that our distant ancestors were so dependent upon for survival.

During times of stress, mental or physical, the body releases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). This generates a release of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol.

The adrenaline released results in instant energy and increased strength. This is what allows people to do superhuman things, like the woman that lifts the car that fell on her son.

Meanwhile, cortisol is responsible for bringing the body back into balance after the stressful event. In other words, cortisol’s job is to stimulate the appetite to replace the carbohydrates and fat that should of been burned while fleeing or fighting the stressful event.

However, as most of you know, today's sources of stress rarely result in calorie expenditure. Stress today is more likely to result in people sitting with frustration or anger while reaching for something to eat.

But the body doesn’t know that it did not expend any calories during the most recent stressful event. So cortisol is still expected to perform by increasing the appetite for carbohydrates and fat.

A recent study conducted by researchers at Yale University and published in the September 2000 issue of Psychosomatic Medicine suggests that cortisol may actually cause fat to be stored in the center of the body. Couple that fact with the fact that the fat cells located in the belly area are richer with stress hormone receptors than fat cells located elsewhere and you have recipe for abdominal obesity.

If the added belly fat is not distressing enough, it should also be noted that belly fat has been linked to an increased risk of developing heart disease.

Never fear, there is a way to combat belly fat generated from stress, it’s exercise. Exercise works to prevent belly fat generated from stress, by reducing the levels of stress hormones in your body. That's right, vigorous exercise generates beta-endorphins. These endorphins are responsible for calming the body down and reducing the level of stress hormones in the body!

How much exercise does one need to combat belly fat in times of stress? I suggest 20-30 minutes of a physical activity you enjoy. Whether it be a 20-30 minute vigorous walk or a weight training session. Just so long as you get the body moving and releasing those beta-endorphins.

Of course exercise also helps to combat belly fat simply by burning calories. This way when cortisol increases your appetite you will have expended the carbohydrate and fat calories during your workout. Allowing cortisol do its job and preventing those extra calories from being stored on your belly.

But do not go overboard, exercising too hard for too long can also generate cortisol. This defeats the purpose of using exercise to combat cortisol and its belly fat generating affects.

So, the next time you start to get stressed out, instead of sitting and chewing food in your frustration, get up and take a 10 minute vigorous walk. This will help beat those stress hormones by releasing beta-endorphins and taking your mind off the thing stressing you out.

Tips for combating stressed out belly fat:

  • Exercise a minimum of 20-30 minutes, 3 days a week
  • Eat small balanced meals 5-6 times a day
  • Snack on whole grain high fiber foods
  • Set time aside to do activities you enjoy
  • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine, alcohol & cigarettes, these items in excess have been shown to raise cortisol levels.
  • Get your sleep, lack of sleep will also increase cortisol levels.

By incorporating these tips you will be able to stop belly fat before it starts!

Jenny May and Health Thru Fitness, LLC focus on researching, developing, and implementing fitness and health strategies that women of all ages can apply to their current physical status. To learn more about the Jenny May Principles check out and

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